Friday, June 30, 2023

We Believe In You -

Starting your first business venture is a lot like asking someone out on your first date.

Remember back in Jr. High or High School and you became interested in someone? You thought you might want to go out with them, but you’d never been on a date before. What do you do on a date? Where do you go? Should you pick them up or just meet them someplace? What should you wear? Who’s supposed to pay? What if the date wasn’t fun? What if you had a miserable time? What if they would even want to be with you? Would they say ‘no’ to going out?

All these things flash through your mind when deciding to ask a person out for the first time. You may build up enough nerve and ask them out anyway but, the odds are, you’ll chicken out and just admire them from afar.

But by not asking them out you’re deciding not to experience their company and by not getting to know them will deprive you of what could be many years of fun and enjoyment.

Remember, not deciding is a decision, too.

I know from experience your first business will probably have you feeling the same way. You’ll be nervous. You will wonder what your friends will say. You may feel you don’t know enough. Like your first date, you’ll wonder if this will work out or not.

You’ll have many doubts. Is it the right business for you? Can you afford to start it? Will it be profitable? If it fails what will others think?

At this point you will probably decide to give up or…you may just jump in with both feet and give it a try.

If you do decide to start your own ‘side-hustle’ I say: “Good for You!”

At least you’re trying to do something positive. You want a nicer lifestyle. You want to get those bills paid off. You want your kids to have better clothes. You want to save for college. You might just want to avoid losing your car or house or apartment.

You’re not just sitting around waiting for all the bad things to happen to you. And, it's not your fault your job doesn’t pay anyone enough. You’re deciding to take action and that’s important.

Your self-esteem will go up. You’ll feel better knowing you at least have a chance to improve things for yourself and your loved ones.

What happens when you try. might just succeed and solve most of your issues.

If your new business doesn’t work out…so what? You’re no worse off than you were before. However, one important thing happens to you if this ‘side-hustle’ doesn’t work out.

You now have lots of experience and will be better prepared to start over with a new opportunity! Now you know what not to do. You’ll have more confidence and a greater chance of making things work out the next time.

Don't stop trying!

Remember: “A Set Back is Just A Set Up for a Comeback!”

We believe in you.

All the best,

Donald Gaw

P. S. ~ I personally can’t count how many times we failed when trying to make our business work. The key to your independence is one simple thing: ‘don’t give up’. 




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