Saturday, August 17, 2024


I'm talking about helping others. There's just something nice about telling someone how they can solve an issue that's been bothering them. Especially if your solutions work for them.

Did anyone ever do something nice for you? I bet you really appreciated them and their thoughtfulness.  The neat thing about that is the person that helped you got a positive rush of emotion when they found out the advice they gave was beneficial to you. It's a win-win situation. Or...good Karma for all involved.

I believe it's a 'gratitude thing'. When you help others you become glad or grateful that you could do something positive for a fellow human being. And, the person you helped is grateful that you took the time to give some advice or direction or showed them how to find answers to their problems.

Gratitude is powerful. You can't be in a negative frame of mind when your grateful for things. The World looks brighter. People seem friendlier. Gratitude helps us to live more stress free and healthier lives.

For me, this business model evolved during 20 years of working online. While mainly being involved in Network Market with one company or another I finally realized that I wasn't really happy or excited selling bottles of pills. I didn't enjoy talking folks into trying out the latest cbd gummies or the newest 'miracle drink'.

And, I quickly learned that very few of these products really offer much in the way of making people healthier or having better lives. cost a lot to join most of these Companys! On top of that, you need to pay Auto-ship fees every month and there may also be an Annual Fee or a Website Fee. It just adds up and is too much expense for most to maintain financially when first starting out.

Luckily and gradually or the years I also offered a few things that weren't MLM Products. I found a site that offered tools that folks needed to do business online. Things like autoresponders and capture page builders...etc.

These businesses were less expensive to get into buy they still paid out decent residual incomes. However, the main thing I discovered was...what I was offering actually helped people. And on top of that...I felt good about it!

So...I went on search of ways to help people. 

I soon found out there are a lot of bizops that say they help others but in reality, after trying several, they really only help themselves with things like high monthly cost and autoship requirements. Some charge as much as $199 per month or more just to belong.

Fortunately, I found one Company that met and exceeded my requirements. I had made a list of things my ideal opportunity should have and this one was even better than I'd hoped to find. You can see it here: CLICK

This Company was formed 23 years ago and has an A+ Better Business Bureau rating. It offer a Global Opportunity.'s Free to Join!

No investment is required here to earn money online. There're no gimmicks or tricks or gotchas! It's 100% free to earn. 

Plus, they show you several ways to build weekly and monthly residual income and they even have Profit Sharing. 

Since times are tough and it looks like they may get tougher and with so many people struggling with financial issues nowadays, because of what's available here, this quickly became my preferred business to join and Affiliate with. 

It's a true no-brainer!!!

If you or anyone you know is looking for a comprehensive solution to financial needs? Look no further! 

Whatever your financial problems are, be it: lots of debt, credit issues, in need of 'no credit check loans', no down mortgages, bankruptcy advice and help, reducing tax liability, or legal issues. You can find the help you need right here.

The fact is...almost everyone you know needs some form of Financial or Legal help. They can do that right here:  CLICK

And as an affiliate, you'd get paid every time someone uses a service offered on your affiliate site. You just share and earn. There's no autoship and like I mentioned, there is never any investment needed. You have nothing to lose and you could be in business today!

Services are easier to promote to people than physical products and they tend to be more profitable as well. That's because people that need help with an issue need that help 'right now'! They don't really need a bottle of vitamins any time soon.

Take a look at this and join us. There's a lot more to see here than I have room for in this brief blog post. We'd be honored to help you, and I think you'll agree, this is a very rewarding business, on several levels, just like I have.

All the best...

Donald Gaw



What’s the easiest way to make money online, without having to create a product or a sales page? Affiliate marketing, of course. So, why is ...